On the 31st of August 2023 the Minister published a draft of the ‘Sustainable and Compact Settlements Guidelines for Planning Authorities’, (‘Draft Guidelines’) which will, when adopted, replace the Sustainable Residential Development in Urban Areas Guidelines for Planning Authorities 2009.
The Draft Guidelines seek to provide greater flexibility in support of delivering a broader range of housing typologies, with a relaxation of traditional standards for ‘own door’ housing.
This in turn supports higher densities for own door housing schemes. New density ranges are set out that respond to settlement size, with more detailed guidance now provided for cities, large and medium sized towns, and smaller towns and villages, all with the aim of delivering the sustainable and compact growth of settlements in accordance with the NPF.
The Draft Guidelines seek to support a more consistent approach across local authorities and therefore are to be welcomed. The below outlines some of the key aspects, however, we would be happy to discuss in greater detail.
The Draft Guidelines seek to provide greater flexibility in respect to housing standards, with the following a summary of the specific planning policy requirements (SPPRs):
The Draft Guidelines include revisions to the density ranges contained in the 2009 Guidelines and recommends a range of densities based on different settlement types, which will provide greater clarity for Development Plans, LAPs and applications, and which address some of the concerns highlighted when the Policy Approach Paper which was published in March 2023. The recommended net density ranges for the different settlements are as follows:
Centre | Urban | Suburban / Edge | |
Dublin/Cork | 100-300 dph | 50-250 dph | 40-80 dph (+ 150 dph) |
Limerick / Galway / Waterford | 100-200 dph | 50-150 dph | 35-50 (+ up to 100 dph) |
MASP Town | 40-100 dph | 40-100 dph | 35-50 dph |
Regional Growth Centres / Key Towns / Large Towns | 40-150 dph | n/a | 30-50 dph (+ up to 80 dph). |
Small to Medium Sized Town (>1500 – 10,000) | Respond to existing context. | n/a | 25-40 dph |
Rural Towns and Villages | Respond to existing context. | n/a | Respond to Existing context. |