A draft of the Retail Study was agreed with Cork City Council and Cork County Council in March 2013 following public consultation and series of meetings with the representatives of both Councils. The Draft Retail Study will inform the preparation of the new Development Plans for both Cork City and County.
The key aim of the study is to ensure that the key centres in Metropolitan Cork fulfil their role as set out in the Retail Planning Guidelines. The study also addresses the role of district centres such as Douglas, Mahon Point and Blackpool and their relationship with the City and Metropolitan towns.
The study provides advice regarding the broad quantum, scale and type of retail development required in Metropolitan Cork and identifies a number of policies and objectives which are intended to shape and guide retailing in the Metropolitan Area.
The preparation of the study involved both desk top and field work, including a review of existing published documents, studies, plans, retail legislation, government policy, local studies as well as analysis of current retail trends, internationally and locally and a review of best practice in the sector as applicable in both a national and local context. The strategy was also informed by up to date household, shopper and floorspace surveys interpreted by John Spain Associates.