John Spain Associates provided planning consultancy services (including the co-ordination
of an EIAR) in respect of a Strategic Housing Development, on a site of c. 21.26 hectares,
made to An Bord Pleanála which received planning permission consisting of 462 no.
dwellings in a mix of houses [2-3 storeys], duplex apartments [3 storeys] and apartments [4
storeys], 106 no. student accommodation units (463 no. bedspaces in 7 no. buildings
ranging 3-4 storeys) as well as a local neighbourhood centre (creche, retail and gym) and a
link road traversing the subject site between the Dunboyne Road and Moyglare Road on
lands at Mariavilla (a protected structure), Maynooth, Co. Kildare.
JSA also advised on subsequent amendment applications and an Extension of Duration of
the parent permission.