John Spain Associates were one of the lead consultants in the drafting of the Phibsborough/Mountjoy Local Area Plan for Dublin City Council. The plans provides for the redevelopment of a number of important sites including the Mountjoy Prison Complex, the Mater Hospital, Dalymount Park and the former Smurfit Printworks site for major new mixed use development served by Metro North and Luas
We are also prepared the Strategic Environmental Assessment and undertook the public consultation process with the local community and key stakeholders.
John Spain Associates, Dublin City Council and Paul Keogh were jointly awarded the Irish Planning Institute Category (A) Planning Achievement Award for the preparation of the Phibsborough / Mountjoy Local Area Plan at an Irish Planning Institute ceremony on the 12th February 2010. Below is a recital of the citation for the award as read at the IPI ceremony:
“The Phibsborough / Mountjoy Local Area Plan is a Local Area Plan which is strikingly comprehensive. By careful analysis it identifies the potential forces which, by coincidence, may act together at a particular time in the progress of a place . . . The plan proposes, with minimal adjustment to established place, a convincing framework for the coordinated development of the area’s most recognisable assets . . . In the decade since the Local area plan as a concept first became mandatory, its interpretation has been developing, and this particular plan would seem to have brought that concept to a significant threshold of fulfilment. Its strength lies in the extent of critical understanding which it collects for the preparation of a LAP. In that respect it serves as a reference and model for others.